Sally Pitt Sally Pitt

10 steps to winning the best building contracts

Are you hoping to move your building firm upwards and win more of the premium building projects? Here’s our 10-step plan to improving your odds of bagging the bigger, more profitable contracts.

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

5 reasons you didn’t win the building project

Think the biggest reason you’ve lost out on building contracts is that you’re too expensive? Wrong! These are the most common reasons why a builder may fail to win a building contract.

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

How to successfully market your building firm to customers

If you’re reading this article, you’re a forward-thinking building firm owner, looking for ways to improve your business. No doubt you’ve already found some ways to market your building firm in your area. But is your current strategy bringing the quality enquiries you need to allow your firm to thrive?

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

How to navigate your building firm through the economic crisis

Building firms have been hard-hit by the economic crisis. With consumers cutting back on spending, this is a worrying time for building firms whose margins can be tight at the best of times. How can building firms create a more secure future? How can they ensure a profitable future rather than just “get by”?

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Sally Pitt Sally Pitt

Four methods of estimating building work

Estimating building work can be a time-consuming and tedious task. However, there are many estimating software tools – and services – on the market to take the pain out of the process. In this post, we discuss four different estimating solutions which are used by UK-based small to medium sized building firms.

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

Why your future could depend on estimating software

More and more SME firms in construction are embracing estimating software and reaping the rewards, making the move from archaic manual estimating by hand and the use of spreadsheets, to digitalising these activities. But what is making them change, and what are the benefits?

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Olivia Woodhams Olivia Woodhams

Three ways builders can reduce time spent on admin

Running a building business is a high-pressure occupation, whether you specialise in extensions, renovations or new builds. But are you making the most productive use of your working day? Here are 3 simple steps you can take to reduce the time you spend at your desk.

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